Monday 19 December 2016


         IF  you want to pay your SCHOOL FEES in Mapoly without any problems and need HELP in the arrangement of your can call on INFOSAM on this numbers  08182268849 OR 08039102415 or locate INFOSAM at Panseke besides Union bank and ask anyone there of  INFOSAM you will be directed to him, for guide and ALL THE HELP YOU WILL NEED IN MAPOLY.......WISH YOU ALL BEST OF LUCK ...................

 INFOSAM is also the one in charge of TUTORIALS for those of that know you need to attend Tutorials because Tutorial is also one of the keys to make it in MOSHOOD ABIOLA POLYTECHNIC. This Tutorial was set up with the aim of helping students scale through exams in MAPOLY and also acheive the ever-elusive distinction most students crave.

SO what are you waiting for??????????? LOCATE them and see your life change for good...........................


            A Tutorial is the method of transferring knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning  process........It seeks to teach by example and supply the information to complete a certain task.

  A tutorial can be taken in different  forms, ranging from a set of instructions to complete a task to an interactive problem solving session........
     It is not easy to make it and have good grades or GP in school and for those of you that are new to MOSHOD ABIOLA POLYTHECNIC. ......Thank GOD for DISTINCT EXECELLENCE ACADEMY TUTORIAL...YOU ARE LUCKY.


   DISTINCT ACADEMY TUTORIAL is a place where distinction students are bread and motivation and discipline is instilled in our students..OUR students are the best in MOSHOD ABIOLA POLYTECHNIC from SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNOLGY ( SLT ), FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ( FST )...All over the school of sciences,arts and management..Our impacts ECHOS FOREVER....JOINS US AND YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME......




Wednesday 15 June 2016


        Accommodation is a place where travelers can sleep also find others service likewise a place where people live,stay and work.If you are need of an accommodation in school you can contact this number 09025623322 or 08142359590.there are a lot of houses that you can get of your choice self contain,flat,a room,good electricity,water supply with a conducive area also not far from school.

  • Panseke
  • Fowobi
  • Adigbe
  • Oluwo
  • Olokemeji
  • Mercy road
  • Ita eko
  • Saraki
  • Big master
  • Oke sokori
  • Ita oshin.......
    LASTLY for more inquires call this numbers 09025623322 or 08142359590....

Thursday 26 November 2015


           School fees is one of the most important and compulsory payment every students must pay.It allows every student to still remain or be counted as one of the candidate in that school.                Now,before individual can pay his or her school fees in Mapoly,individual have to do some registration that will get to an extent that you would be directed to the Admin.Then after the Admin have done all the necessary things for you,you will now be able to pay your school fees(Talking from experience because i am one of the student in Mapoly).It is advisable to consult this person through this number 09025623322 or 08142359590 in other to put you through on how to pay it or when you want to pay your school fees likewise any thing that you do not really understand in any of your department.

           You can pay your school fees twice,60percent is accepted as the first payment while 40percent is accepted as the second payment is and it is been paid or done online......... 

Wednesday 23 September 2015


          Now adays,many people are trying to get money through both way(legally and illegally),most especially through higher institutions.It works this way,when someone is seen as a novice in higher institutions,most of the student you met there which happens to be your senior make use of this privilege to possibly defraud you if care is not properly taken because they knows that you do not really know more than them in which anything they tells you,you will want to follow it.
   Now,talking about how to escape been defrauded in Mapoly,this is how it happens there.When they notice you as a novice,they make use of that privilge on you to fall to their victim,most especially through registration because they believe that anything they tells you,you will follow it due to that you do not really know more than them concerning registration in the institution.The registration is when you have been admitted and want to start doing your registration which the process are
  • Paying of Admission fees 
  • Medical
  • Change of choice 
  • SUG Payment
  • School fees Payment
     Most of these people uses this registration period as a privilege to defraud student and the most process they make use of is through the school fees payment because it is been paid online(Talking from experience because am one of the student in Mapoly).In this case,individual have to be very extra-ordinary careful.Lastly,to avoid this or for more consult  if you still do not know how to do some of the registration which happens to be confusing you most especially if you want to pay your school fees.Do not hesitate to call this number for assistance 09025623322,08142359590 or 08174353728.


           Registration in higher institutions is one of the imperative and compulsory activities every student must do in that institution because,is one of the law that guides that  institution.In this case every student is expected to do it.That is the reason why it is a must and compulsory.
      Registration in Mapoly are the compulsory process in which every student is expected to do so as to be finally counted as one of their student in the institution by having your ADMISSION LETTER.Getting the ADMISSION LETTER is among the registration process,and when you have your ADMISSION LETTER with you,that is when you will be finally counted as the main student of the institution but not by paying your ACCEPTANCE FEES.Moreover,for those of you that  did not know the meaning of ACCEPTANCE FEES,paying of ACCEPTANCE FEES means accepting the ADMISSION been given to you institution i.e you accept the institution because probably you might have any other alternative of institution that gave you ADMISSION as well.So the institution you pay for their ACCEPTANCE FEES is the one you accepted.

         Before you start doing any of this must have been given ADMISSION to the institution.

  1. Acceptance Fees
  2. Clearance Print out with one passport because when you print out the clearance,there will be a space that you will put your passport.That is just for that day but you will still need a lot of passport likewise in that clearance there will be some place where you will fill with your waec subject and grade before entering the school officer office besides the first time you will be coming to school to start your registration also before entering the department school officer office, make sure you come along with all your credential which are weac original result or statement,jamb original print out,clearance print out,acceptance fees print out because without all this and you entered your department school officer officer,you will be sent out that did not you see it outside been pasted before coming inside and what they pasted outside is all the credentials i said you will provide before entering.
  3. Visit your department SCHOOL OFFICER to check your waec result maybe you are qualified for the course you want to study
  4. Go to the school clinic to get your Medical Form,the Hospital you will go to in other to do all the necessary things will be indicated on the form.
  5. Go back to your department SCHOOL OFFICER and HOD for sighing your clearance.This clearance consist of(1)clearance which you fill in your waec grade that the SCHOOL OFFICER check maybe you are qualified for the course or not on the courseyou want to study(2)original waec result or statement of result if you do not have the original weac result yet(3)original jamb print out and lastly the acceptance fees print out.Note---all this clearance,you have to do at least three photocopy each i.e the original jamb print out,waec or statement of result,acceptance fees print out,and the clearance.Before you even thinking about going to your department SCHOOL OFFICER AND HOD for sighing,you have to do all this photocopy that i am talking about because these are the things your department SCHOOL OFFICER AND HOD will sigh and stamp on.
  6. Change of choice at the amount of 10,500 naira only for those of you that ch chooses the school as second choice or Change of institution at the amount of 12,500 only for those of you that did not choose the school at all but only apply for the form and then sat down for the exam and fortunately passed.
  7. Go to the ADMIN and  submit some of the clearance.when you get to the ADMIN,you will be told on the one to be submitted so them.
  8. Go ahead and pay your school fees because it is only when you go to the ADMIN and the ADMIN did all the necessary things that should be done,that is when you will be able to pay your school fees.When your school fees had been paid,this are the things you would have to print out(1)School fees receipt(2)ADMISSION LETTER also it is inside the ADMISSION LETTER your MATRIC NO will be seen.(4)Oath form besides the oath form is four.The one of your PERSONAL details which is three and the one of your PARENT details which requires their passport and signature making four(5)After that you go back to your department SCHOOL OFFICER with your ADMISSION LETTER print out and SCHOOL FEES print out also with two passport to collect your FILE so as to have your EXAM PASS.
  9. S U G FEE at the amount of 1,100 naira only 
  10. P O S FEE at the amount of 1,100 naira only
  11. Departmental fee.The fee payment is depending on the department you are because some of the department are paying 800 naira only while some are paying 600 or 900 naira only likewise payment is accepted in UNION BANK.
              Before you can get your EXAM PASS,the FILE that you were given by your department SCHOOL OFFICER will be two called FILE A and FILE B but you will be the one to indicate that by writing FILE A and FILE B on top of the FILE.The FILE A will consist of all the whole original credentials you have with you that you got during your registration while the FILE B will consist of all the photocopies.Which means in every original print out you have done,you must also do the photocopy.You will also need your original BIRTH CERTIFICATE.Some of the original credentials which wont be put in FILE A but the photocopies are BIRTH CERTIFICATE and DEPARTMENT RECEIPT.Then after all this,you can then start to arrange all your credentials into your FILE which are the FILE A and FILE B.It is called FILE ARRANGEMENT and the ARRANGEMENT depends on your department,when you are through with the ARRANGEMENT for both FILE,you go back to your department SCHOOL OFFICER for submission while your SCHOOL OFFICER will tell you where to submit your FILES so as to have your EXAM PASS.Finally I CONGRATULATE you for having your EXAM PASS because it is not easy at all. 

   If you need any assistance on how to do your Registration if  you still dont really know how to do it,you can call on any of this number for more help 09025623322,08142359590 0r 08174353728.


             Insecticide is a substance that is used to kill insect,they include oviades and larvicides used against insect egg and so on.

 Insecticide is made by the use of chemicals and quantity of each of the chemicals

  1. SNIPERS OR DD FORCE ------ 1 small bottle of snipers of DD force as the quantity.
  2. INDUSTRIAL CAMPHOR ------ 1/4kg of industrial camphor as the quantity.
  3. FORMALIN ----------------------- 1/4litre of formalin as the quantity.
  4. KEROSINE ------------------------- 5litres of kerosine as the quantity.
  5. COLOUR ---------------------------- Yellow ( little ) as the quantity.
  1. Pour kerosine into a bowl and add the snipersor DD force.
  2. Add camphor but grind it into small bits before grinding.
  3. Add formalin and stir all together,then add colour.