Thursday 25 June 2015


Not quite long,it has now been announced that the Mapoly utme  form is now out,so majority of you that have been waiting for so long to get the form,is now out.the form from he school is t4000 to 5000 naira besides you going to the school to get the form does not mean that is that exactly 5,000 naira you will get it.If you did not get it what i am trying to say,this is how it is.From the website of the school where the form will be obtained,it has been programed there that is 5,000 naira but people that will do it for you at the cafe that is inside the school will collect 7,000 naira from you or if probably more than.So do you now see that  you going to the school does not mean that you will get the form at exactly 5,000 it will be 7,000 naira so if you have someone in your area that can do it for you but the person called it for you 7,000 naira,please it it is advisable that you should do it instead of you stressing yourself to school and also in that process,you are wasting money.

  There are two ways on how to get the form
  1. Going to the school---you can go to the school to get the form but when you get to the school,make sure that you are very careful about the cafe in the school that you will get the form or people that you will meet because they use this opportunity to fraud student.Although is not every body that is there that do that but you just have to be very careful just like i said.Things that you will need when you are going just stroll down and you will  see a link HOW TO GET THE FORM and you will see all this things that you will need.
  2. The second way to get it is the most very good way.if you have anybody at any place you are staying and it happens that the person do register utme is advisable for you to do it there because it will reduce stress instead of you going to the school,it will reduce expensive like if you want to go to the school,you will still have to pay for your transport fare so it is advisable for you to use the second method or way if you have someone in the area.But if you don not have anybody to that in your area and you did not want to go to the school because of some certain things that you are doing at home maybe for example now most especially because of work.I can willingly assist you on that to get the this number for that 09025623322 OR 08142678792

     As you all now know that the form is now out,it is advisable that you quickly apply for the form to avoid last form and and so that  you will quickly do your exam likewise it is advisable to come one or two day to the school before the exam day or date not that the very day that you have the exam.

     The form will still be out till AUGHUST  or probably till first week of SEPTEMBER likewise the exam is always written during OCTOBER for good three days or more than and it always fall to the weekend.The school have three programs,this programs differ to each other.For the evening,there school fees is much more than the full time like 20 to 30000 naira because full time are paying 50,000 naira plus,but for the evening ,they are paying 80,000 naira plus as at last year stroke this year,so i do not know how this year stroke next year will be.This programs are 
  3. PART TIME..................

Monday 22 June 2015


           Passing of exam is one of the most successful things that brings HAPPINESS and JOY to every student life in higher institutions.
To pass exam in Mapoly,you have to follow some steps and here are the seceret steps

  • Attending Lectures
  • Buying of the lectures text books.Most of the text books requires marks or gives you marks
  • Writing of your names in ATTENDANCE when you are told to do so and never ignore it
  •  Doing of Assignment
  • Submission of Assignment
  •  Studying and Reading of PAST QUESTIONS.This last one is the most important one because,most of the exam question comes out year by year.So devoting your time on studying and reading of PAST QUESTIONS will surely help you a lot during your exam likewise you will never regret it besides the lecturers can never finished all the whole syllabus before the exam date,in this case,they believe and expected you guys to finish it so i will advice you that most of the topics the lecturers are always  opportune to do for you students in the class,make sure you always read very well on it too.


           Registration in school or higher  institutions is one of the compulsory activities every student must do in that school or institutions because,is one of the law that guides that school or institution so in this case they expected every student to do it.That is the reason why it is a must and compulsory.
      So,registration in Mapoly are the compulsory process in which every student or individual is expected to do so as to be finally counted as one of their student in the school by having your ADMISSION LETTER with you.Getting the ADMISSION LETTER is among the registration process,and when you have your ADMISSION LETTER with you,that is when you will be finally counted as the main student of the school not by paying your ACCEPTANCE FEES.Moreover,for those of you that you did not know,paying of ACCEPTANCE FEES means you accepted the ADMISSION been given to you by the school i.e you accept the school because probably you might have any other alternative of institution that gave you ADMISSION as well.So the school you pay for their ACCEPTANCE FEES is the one you accepted.

         Before you can be doing any of this would have been given ADMISSION to the school by the school authority.So
  1. Acceptance Fees
  2. Clearance Print out with one passport because when you print out the clearance,there will be a space that you will put your passport.That is just for that day but you will still need a lot of passport likewise in that clearance there will be some place that you will fill with all your waec subject and grade before entering the school officer office.Besides the first time you will be coming to school to start your registration likewise before entering the department school officer office make sure you come with all your credential which are weac original result or statement,jamb original print out,clearance print out,acceptance fees print out..Because without all this and you entered your department school officer officer,you will be sent out that did not you see it outside been pasted before coming inside and what they pasted outside is all the credentials i said you will need before entering.
  3. Visit your department SCHOOL OFFICER to check your waec result maybe you are qualified for the course you want to study
  4. Go to the school clinic to get your Medical Form,the Hospital you will go to in other to do all the necessary things will be indicated on the form.
  5. Go back to your department SCHOOL OFFICER and HOD for sighing your clearance.This clearance consist of(1)clearance which you fill in your waec grade that the SCHOOL OFFICER check maybe you are qualified for the course you want to study(2)original waec result or statement of result if you do not have the original weac result yet(3)original jamb print out and lastly the acceptance fees print out.Note-all this clearance,you have to do at least three photocopy each i.e the original jamb print out,waec or statement of result,acceptance fees print out,and the clearance.Before you even thinking about going to your department SCHOOL OFFICER AND HOD for sighing,you have to do all this photocopy that i am talking about because these are the things your department SCHOOL OFFICER AND HOD will sigh and also stamp on.
  6. Change of choice at the amount of 10,500 naira only for those of you that ch chooses the school as second choice or Change of institution at the amount of 12,500 only for those of you that did not choose the school at all but only apply for the form and then sat down for the exam and fortunately passed.
  7. Go to the ADMIN and  submit some of the clearance.when you get to the ADMIN,you will be told on the one to be submitted so them.
  8. Go ahead and pay your school fees because it is only when you go to the ADMIN and the ADMIN did all the necessary things that should be done,that is when you will be able to pay your school fees.when your school fees had been paid,this are the things you would have to print out(1)School fees receipt(2)ADMISSION LETTER.Also it is inside the ADMISSION LETTER your MATRIC NO. will be seen.(4)Oath form besides the oath form is four.The one of you PERSONAL details which is three and the one of your PARENT details which requires their passport and signature making four(5)After that you go back to your department SCHOOL OFFICER with your ADMISSION LETTER print out and SCHOOL FEES print out also with two passport to collect your FILE so as to have your EXAM PASS.
  9. S U G FEE at the amount of 1,100 naira only 
  10. P O S FEE at the amount of 1,100 naira only
  11. Departmental fee.The fee payment is depending on the department you are because some of the department are paying 800 naira only while some are paying 600 or 900 naira only likewise payment is accepted in the bank i.e you will be directed to pay it in UNION BANK.
              Before you can get your EXAM PASS,the FILE that you were given by your department SCHOOL OFFICER will be two called FILE A and FILE B but you will be the one to indicate that by writing FILE A and FILE B on top of the FILE.The FILE A will consist of all the whole original credentials you have with you that you got during your registration while the FILE B will consist of all the photocopies.Which means in every original print out you have done,you must also do the photocopy.You will also need your original BIRTH CERTIFICATE.Some of the original credentials will not be put in FILE A but the photocopies like the BIRTH CERTIFICATE.Then after all this,you then start to arrange all your credentials into your FILE which are the FILE A and FILE B.It is called FILE ARRANGEMENT and the ARRANGEMENT is depending on your department.when you are through with the ARRANGEMENT for both FILE A and FILE B,you then go back to your department SCHOOL OFFICER for your SCHOOL OFFICER will now tell you where to submit your FILES so as to have your EXAM PASS.SO finally I CONGRATULATE you for having your EXAM PASS.  

Sunday 21 June 2015


           School fees is one of the most important and compulsory payment every students must pay.It allows every student to still remain or be counted as one of the candidate in that school.                Now,before individual can pay he or her school fees in Mapoly,individual have to do some registration that will get to an extent that you would be directed to the Admin.After the Admin have done all the necessary things for you,you will now be able to pay your school fees(Talking from experience because i am one of the student in Mapoly).It is advisable to consult this person through this number 09025623322 or 08142359590 when you want to pay your school fees or any thing that you do not really understand in any of your department.

           You can pay your school fees twice,60percent is accepted as the first payment while 40percent is accepted as the second payment is and it is been paid or done online......... 


          Now adays,many people are finding money through both legally and illegally way.Most especially through higher institutions.It happens that when someone is seen as a novice in any any of the higher institutions i.e you just gain admission to the institution,in that institution,you are a novice because you have not really know much about the institution in terms of paying any dues payment most especially school fees.So most of them that senior you which happens to be in 200level or probably 300level,they use this privilege on you because they know much better than you that is in 100level which is the novice.Through this,there a possibility to be defrauded if care is not taken.
   So,now,talking about how to escape been defrauded in Mapoly.This is how it happens there.when they see you as a novice just like you read earlier in the institution,they make use of that advantage on you in other for you to fall to that victim most especially through registration.The registration is when you have been admitted to the institution and want to be doing your registration which the process are
  • Paying of Admission fees 
  • Medical
  • Change of choice 
  • SUG Payment
  • School fees Payment
     Most of these people make use of this registration period as a privilege to fraud student that just gain admission to the school which are called the novice and the process they make use of most is through the school fees payment because it is been paid online(Talking from experience because am one of the student in Mapoly).So,In this case,individual have to be very very extra-ordinary essence,to avoid this or for more consult  if you do not know how to do some of the registration you do not really know about that is confusing you most especially if you want to pay your school fees.Do not hesitate to call this number for assistance 09025623322 or 08142678792

Saturday 20 June 2015


       The UTME simply means Unifried Tertiary Matricuation Examnination.It is pre-tertiary Examination for those seeking or who want to further more on their Studies.It is an exam taking in different Higher Institutions before individual can get access to the institution by gaining Admission to the institution according to the requirement of the institution cut off mark and the individual is fortunately qualified to it.that is meet up with the requirement of the institution cut off mark.


     There are only two ways as far as i am concerned to get or apply for the Mapoly utme form 
  1. The form can be gotten by going to the  school due to that it is at the school that owns the form.But this can be absolutely and definitely be a kind of stress by you going to the school to get the form or probably when you get there,you can meet someone that will FRAUD you by registering the form for you and been given the end of the registration not knowing that it is fake print out you were been given after spending a lot if money.(Talking from Experience).So to avoid this,this is the second way to get it which is the best way 
  2.  The second way to the the Mapoly utme form is to call on this numbers 09025623322 or 08142678792.Using this second way is the best way because it makes you not to fall to victim that probably you might fall to in the first one,it reduces stress by you not going to from your place for away to the school and Lastly it avoid wasting of money
        T complete your utme registration form,three things or probably four will be needed which are
  1. One passport or two passports.
  2. Jamb print out.
  3. Waec ID card  that was given to you when sited for waec exam
  4. The grade in your waec result and probably you can make use of awaiting result for those who registered for both waec and jamb the same year.


            The key part of the process of modernization is actually based on the development of science and technology constitutes.The better for the society concerned is the more this development occurs locally.In realization and confirmation of this,Government and co-operate bodies have continue to make significant investments in the development of indigenous capacities in science and technology.
   The Federal Government white paper necessitated the establishment of Moshod Abiola(former ogun state)polytechnic on National Policy on Education which the declaration is that Technical Education forms the technological development such as,a higher and greater proportion of educational expenditure would continue devoting to technical education by Government both at the Federal and state levels.Ogun state polytechnic was established under the provision of section 3 of the law cited as the polytechnic law No.
      220 students was the first set students that was admitted into the institution in January,1979 with staff compliment of 25 academic and senior administrative officers.The population of the students rises fronm 220 to 18,878 likewise with about 520 academic and non-academic staff compliment.
       The polytechnic operates on two temporary campuses called Oke-Egunya and Onikolobo.The polytechnic have a permanent site called OJERE.It started in April 1985 and was completed in March 1988.After then,they moved all of the departmental from the temporary campuses to the permanent site called OJERE.The OJERE campuses is situated in the south-eastern part of Abeokuta,off old owode road and some 4km from Ibara,in the capital of ogun state.

  • School of Business and Management Studies.
  • School of Communication and Info Tech.
  • School of Engineering.
  • School of Science and Technology.
  • School of Environmental Studies.